The department of English takes pride of place in the annals of college, for the first three principals of the college came from the department. In the beginning it was headed by Sri Y. Rosayya, a profound scholar and great disciplinarian. After his becoming the principal, the mantle of headship fell on the worthy shoulders of Dr. S. Anantham, the phonetician. After his being elevated to the vice-principalship, the silver-tongued orator, writer and scholar, Dr. C.N.Sastry became the Head. Mr P.Satyannarayana, who succeeded Dr Sastry was a good interpreter of Shakespeare's dramas and his exhaustive preparation endeared himself to one and all. The printed notes greatly improved the standard of students. Mr G. Amma Rao, a lover of grammar and phonetics, authored a book on English Grammar. He got an appreciation letter from Oxford University Press for his having pointed out a number of mistakes and misprints in the dictionary. Dr. N. Nageswara Rao stood first in M.A. Linguistics at Ravishankar University, Raipur. He presented and published several papers. Mr K.V. Raghava Rao had great flair for writing. Mrs K. Padmaja joined the department after practising as a lawyer for a few years. Mr S.Kumara Swamy, a musician and poet at heart, presented many papers, authored many poems and a few short stories. He translated a number of radio features and 'Feelings' by Indraganti Srikanth Sarma. Mrs Arjuna Devi is a poet and translator. Mr. A. Madan Mohan was a gold medalist in M.A., from Ravishankar University, Raipur. He attended several seminars and authored several poems. Mrs. C.Ranganayakamma served the department for many years. Ms B.Vijaya Lakshmi was commissioned as an N.C.C. Officer. Sri Y. Ramabrahmam and Sri G. Buchaiah were keen on grammar and phonetics. Mr G. Nageswara Rao was interested in dramas and had an ear for music.
It is most appropriate to place on record the services rendered by many who put in years of service: Mr P. Francis Choudary, Mr P.Sivaji, Mr V. Mohana Prasad, Mr V.V. Seshagiri Rao, Mr I.Venkateswarlau, Mr Ramakrishnaiah, Mr. T.S. Chandramouli, Ms G. Anasuya, Mr K. Venkateswarlu, Ms. V. Suryakumari, Mrs M. Santha, Mr Y. Sridhar, Mr T. Shravan Srinivas, Mrs B. Rajya Lakshmi, Sri A. Purna Chandra Rao, Mrs M. Naga Sree, Mrs P. Yamini, Sri N. Venkateswara Rao, Mrs G. Hemalatha Mrs J. Madhavi, Mrs G. Suneetha,, Mrs G. Bhajya Latha and a few others. Dr. B. Sobha Rani extended her support now and then.
Sri Y. Rosayya, Dr S. Anantham, Dr Amarendra, Sri P. Satyannarayana, Sri G. Amma Rao, Dr N. Nageswara Rao, Sri S. Kumara Swamy, Smt M. Arjuna Devi and Ms. B. Vijaya Lakshmi headed the department.
The department is now headed by Mr P. Gopichand. He is Vice-Principal, IQAC Co-ordinator and Member Secretary of Academic Council. He is Regional Co-ordinator for Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University, Regional Centre at JKC College. He conducted several workshops, summer camps for staff and students on language learning and gave guest lectures along with Smt P. Nagasuseela. His rendition of Antonius oration won him laurels.
Mrs P. Nagasuseela authored collections of short poems entitled " Mushrooms", "Sprouts", and "Splendour" and two books entitled 'A Handbook for All Occasions' and 'A Handbook on Communication Skills' along with Mr P. Gopichand. They edited six critical books and three CD's on phonetic and communicative skills. She was elected Joint Secretary to The Indian Association for English Studies.
Dr. V. Pala Prasada Rao completed Ph.D. under F.I.P. A management-funded project on"Functioning of Autonomous Colleges" was published. He also authored a book on Perspectives of Partition. He was recognized as research Supervisor by Acharya Nagarjuna University and he was a resource person to JRF and NET classes held at English Department, ANU. He organized several programmes of topical interest.
Mr B. Bernord got through SLET, He completed B.Ed. Mrs G. Hemalatha also completed B.Ed. Mr Sk. Johny Basha M.A., M.Ed. seeks to pursue research.
The Department organized UGC-sponsored National Seminars on Indian Drama (2008) and Methods, Materials and Techniques of Teaching English Language (2010). It also organized one-day National Poetry Fest (2009), 55th All India English Teachers' Conference (2010) and tenth two-day International Poetry Fest (2017). The Queen of England, former President of India, Sri Pranab Mukherjee and Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh conveyed their wishes and special messages for conducting Poetry Fests. International Seminar on Novel Issues in Indian Writings in English" was organized in 2018.
The Department is active in research and cocurricular activities. Some of the important wings of co-curricular activities-IQAC, Magazine Committee, Cultural Association, Extension Wing, Career Guidiance Cell etc., are attended to by its members. The members of the department published about 50 articles and presented 160 papers at national and international seminars. To disseminate messages of brotherhood, peace and human rights a good number of posters were released.
The Department has a rich collection of books and learning resources.
Courses offered(UG, PG):(B.Sc/ B.Com/ B.C.A / MCA)
Strengths of the Department:
Opportunities Of The Depatrement:
Challanges of The Departement
Future Plans Of The Departement
Staff in English |
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification | |
1 |
Vice Principal & HoD |
M.A., M.Phil, NET |
2 |
Lecturer |
M.A., M.Phil., M.Ed., |
3 |
Lecturer |
M.A., M.Ed., MPhil, Ph.D., |
4 |
Lecturer |
M.A., |
5 |
Lecturer |
M.A., |
Courses offered(UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.):
(UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) UG,PG ( B.A.; M.A.........(B.Sc/ B.Com/ B.C.A / MCA))
S.No | Title of the Seminar | Dates Held | Source of Funding | Out Standing Participants |
1 | National Seminar On Indian Drama in English | 2008 | UGC |
2 | National Seminar on Teaching Learning Methods Materials and Techniques | 2009 | U.G.C |
3. | National Poetry Fest | 2008 | Management & The Dept of English |
4. | National Poetry Fest | 2009 | Management & The Dept of English |
Student Profile Course-Wise: 2006
Year |
Name Of The Course |
Apllications Recived |
Selected |
Pass Percentage |
Male |
Female |
Male |
Female |
2005-08 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
38 |
14 |
23 |
57.14 |
82.6 |
2006-09 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
30 |
08 |
18 |
50.00 |
33.3 |
2007-10 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
16 |
10 |
03 |
90.0 |
100.0 |
2008-11 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
15 |
06 |
06 |
66.0 |
66.0 |
2009-12 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
08 |
04 |
02 |
50.0 |
50.0 |
2010-13 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
13 |
08 |
05 |
85.30 |
94.68 |
2011-14 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
18 |
11 |
07 |
85.47 |
95.32 |
2012-15 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
17 |
10 |
07 |
2013-16 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
- |
- |
2014-17 |
B.A H.P.Eng |
22 |
16 |
06 |